Monday, April 21, 2008

Moon Anomalies : Apollo 12 Mystery

Apollo 12 Strange Reflection
This photo of astronaut Alan Bean was taken by Pete Conrad as both stand on the lunar surface. You can see Conrad in the reflection in Bean's visor. You can also see some instrumentation in the foreground of the reflection. But what the heck is that thing hovering in the sky in the background, pointed out here as "artifact" by Luna: Astronauts Among the Ruins? You can even see the shadow it casts on the ground behind Conrad. Yet this photo is really puzzling. We can usually find reasonable, or at least plausible, explanations for the other photos shown here and elsewhere, but this one is truly enigmatic. What about it NASA? What the heck is that thing? Perhaps the best source for this kind of information is The Lunascan Project, an organized effort by amateur astronomers to record and document TLPs.

Lunar Ruin

The left picture originally had a totally black sky in order to properly expose the foreground with the astronaut and moon surroundings. This picture is one of many that have been shown by Richard C. Hoagland of The Enterprise Mission. It has been overexposed to try to pick up any possible structure in the black sky. As you can see there is what seems to be a broken? dome, and in the surrounding portions of the sky, we see a lot of what seems to be junk or noise in the photo. Hoagland through a number of photographs, shows that this detail found in the sky is common among many of the moon photos. You will see close-ups of towers and other structures on the Moon.

The Enterprise Mission Richard C. Hoagland's web Site
Moon Photos The web page where the above photo came from.
Compelling Lunar Anomalies



Aditya said...

Thank you for providing evidence on moon anomalies.
You are right there are many evidence that there are artificial constructions and areas on the Moon's surface that are being intentionally obscured from view.

Lunar Anomalies

Unknown said...

I wonder if these, have been left, on purpose?, as some claim, so we can see more of the true nature, of the moon. I feel, that this, could be the case, as all anomalies have been filters, or blurred, from vision.
Good post.